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Concrete Raking Assist Machine

Kapper is the world's first motor-driven concrete raking assist machine. Japanese cement masons developed Kapper to release them from the burden of rough levelling work.

Kapper is easy to use as a one-button operation without training.
Start using Kapper now, anytime, anywhere, and by anyone, and dramatically improve the burden of on-site work.

5 features of KAPPER


Super Easy!  No more Burden

Kapper is super easy

Kapper assists with over 100 kg force; you can move fresh concrete by holding a bar of a Kapper.
Thanks to Kapper, a beginner can rake hard-fresh concrete soon.


Efficiency & Labor saving

Number of workes graph

In Japan, ordinary 5-6 works are required for 1000m2 concrete levelling work. Only 2-3 works can do it with Kapper. Furthermore, even fewer workers can finish concrete lveling work faster than ordinal.


Bye, bye Lower Back Pain

Kapper is a concrete raking assist machine


Easy to carry by hand

Bye bye Lower back pain

It's a common issue that almost all concrete masons have to deal with lower back pain. The repetitive and strenuous work of concrete levelling using a rake.
With Kapper, we are free from back pain. A concrete mason does not need to bend over during concrete levelling any more. We can adjust the height of Kapper's handle. A mason can work in a comfortable position.


No CO2 and silent, Kapper works with battery

Kapper is easy to carry

You can bring a Kapper anywhere easily. The weight is only 38kg. You can fold a Kapper and make it compact.
Therefore, you can use a Kapper on the top of a building site.
Let you enjoy a Kapper anywhere!



Manufacturer: DX Material Co., Ltd.
Power source: Motor
Power source: battery
Drive method: Throttle
Weight: 38kg
Width: 1498mm
Height when in use: 1,126mm
Height when folded: 753mm

The world's first battery-driven concrete raking machine

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Kapper is battery powered

Kapper is battery-powered. It can run for over an hour. It has been proven to run for over two hours, depending on the conditions. Kapper is zero-emission and quiet. You can use Kapper indoors and underground.

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